Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm Back

I honestly didn't realize just how badly I've been neglecting my blog until I logged in to make this post. 2008 was a tough year for me, both at my full time job and for my craft business. By the time Christmas came around I only had two wholesale customers, when just a year earlier I had six. Let's just say I wasn't the only one affected by the economy. Retail sales remained stagnant and my peak candle season passed by and I decided to take a break from marketing my craft business. It didn't feel like the right time to expand my online product inventory or attempt to gain new wholesale business, and I wasn't feeling very inspired. I have sold a few candles since Christmas, but none of the sales came as a result of any effort on my part. I go through these non-creative phases periodically, but generally I come out of them with a bang. That is what I hope happened today.

Today I felt sudden inspiration to work on a semi-new product. I got the idea last year to make recycled glass jar candles. I thought it would be a good way to demonstrate my belief that we must re-use as well as recycle, while offering a container candle to my customers for the first time. I collected some jars and made a few candles, but they were not quite as fabulously funky as I'd hoped. So, I put the project on hold... indefinitely. Then today I had an idea of a way to incorporate an art I previously explored but have not recently indulged with my candle business. I could decopage photos and other papers onto the recycled glass jars... I've been collecting my favorite pages of my daily travel calendar all year though I had no idea what I wanted to do with them yet. I spent the entire evening gathering pictures for my upcoming decopage experiment. I've got magazine clippings, old calendar pages, and a few decks of cards so far, which is definitely enough to get started.

And, while I was at the store picking up supplies for my project, I came across a magazine I'd never seen before called Artful Blogging. The stories I read inspired me to share more of my story as an artist through my blog... ideas, events, successes, frustrations, and revelations. Though I sometimes think of myself as just a candlemaker experimenting with other crafts, the truth is I am an artist. I hope the stories behind my creations will help you appreciate them even more.

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